![](../imagens/quadros/521.JPG) | Sisters, 2022, acrylic and enamel on canvas and fabric, 103 x 200 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/522.JPG) | Cordilheira, 2022, acrylic and enamel on fabric and plastic, 193 x 320 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/523.JPG) | Língua, 2022, acrylic and enamel on fabric, 240 x 168 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/524.JPG) | Mapa mundi, 2022, acrylic and enamel on fabric, plastic and wood, 230 x 300 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/525.JPG) | Cogumelos, 2022, acrylic on canvas and fabric, Ø 80 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/526.JPG) | Deusa, 2022, acrylic on canvas, fabric and plastic, ø 123 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/527.JPG) | J&M, 2022, acrylic on canvas and fabric, sand, voile, 77 x 106 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/528.JPG) | Mapa mundi II, 2022, acrylic and enamel on fabric and plastic, ø 95 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/529.JPG) | Rio rosa, 2022, acrylic and enamel without plastic, canvas, fabric, 265 x 145 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/530.JPG) | Onça, 2022, acrylic and enamel on canvas and fabric, 48 x 26 cm
![](../imagens/quadros/531.JPG) | Ovos, 2022, wallpaper
![](../imagens/quadros/532.JPG) | Mosca Rosa, 2022, fabric on cotton paper, 48 x 116 cm